Sometimes I have a hard time believing that I actually get to do what I get to do! And not just me, but all of us! Think about it, we get to participate in a story that’s been playing out for generations! Today, I get to wake up and step into things that will hopefully matter years and years from now. Today, I get to wake up and invite people into a story of purpose, redemption and hope! How cool is that!?

I also know that this is a story in which I am not a solo player! Not by any means! I am a part of a much bigger narrative and a much bigger team! We’re in this together in so many ways. I’m so excited to be a part of many of your stories, and I’d love to very intentionally invite you to be a part of mine!

I want to invite you to JOIN ME in all of this in three different areas — PRAYER, FRIENDSHIP, FINANCES.



There’s a certain amount of what I do that I can do well with my own skills and passion. The reality though is that I’m not really interested in doing those things well! I believe deeply that Jesus has put a vision in my heart and a calling on my life to step into things that are WAY BIGGER than my own ability. I can tell you story after story of the ways I’ve seen Jesus empower and enable me to do be a part of things that felt way over my head. This is exactly why I’d love for you to join me in prayer. I believe in a God who is near and who listens and who longs to give good gifts to those who seek Him and ask!

I try to be disciplined to send out regular updates, inviting people into specific areas of prayer. Also, at various times when I’m involved in something where I long to see a move of God, I like to invite my community into praying into those things too.

If you’d like to receive these sorts of emails, sign up for my email list and be sure to select the Prayer Updates category. You can even subscribe to a “Pray for Jud” calendar that will periodically notify you of specific ways you can be praying with and for me!


There are a few parts of this job that could create the opportunity for this to be somewhat isolating work. I’m hoping to connect with youth pastors and ministry leaders from a wide geographical region. And my YWAM team is in Tijuana and Ensenada, Mexico! In the past I’ve always worked very closely with a team. Given all of those realities, I want to say the most elementary school thing ever: “Will you be my friend?” HA

For real though, I count myself to be so blessed by the amount of very meaningful friendships I have with people in many parts of the world! That said, having somewhat recently moved across Canada and having to develop new friendships, there are certainly times that I can feel a bit lonely in this new adventure! So one of these big ways to JOIN ME in this is simply to reach out in friendship! Call me, text me, invite me for coffee. Send me a bag of coffee! I want to be able to share how things are going with this and I want to hear about whats going on in your lives! So yeah, let’s be friends!

Also, the nature of this work is strictly relational. So if you’re hearing me talk about what I’m hoping to do and someone comes to mind who you could introduce me to, please do so.


It's crazy for me to think that I get to be a part of serving the Kingdom and impacting so many other peoples’ stories! It truly humbles me and I am so stoked to get to do it! By doing this through YWAM however, I do not actually get paid to do it - in order to receive a salary to do this, I need to raise my own support. The fact that there are so many people in my community who see this passion and potential within me and want to get behind me to empower me to serve in this way - it truly is mind-blowing. I get to live this amazing story because so many amazing people have chosen to financially contribute to this story.

All financial support goes through YWAM Canada Project Funding and is tax receiptable. You can give monthly towards my salary or I have some ways you can give towards my operating expenses with less regular gifts.

All details on ways to give or current operating expenses can be found here.

Come with me or invite me into conversations

For real! You could come with me on a super-fun trip to TJ! Maybe it doesn’t make sense for you to come with me, but you could certainly invite me into a conversation with your church leaders or youth leaders. I love to share the stories of how Mission Adventures in Tijuana can be a radical catalyst in a discipleship journey! So if you think there’s someone I should talk to about this, please pass on my information!