
Thank you so much for your interest in joining my financial support team!! I’m so encouraged by the way Jesus is mobilizing the village of people He’s put around me to enable me to serve in this way!

Below are some of the means by which you can give, and good news…

All financial support that goes through YWAM Canada Project Funding is tax receiptable!

I’ve had some people ask more specific questions about my financial goals and what targets I’m at or reaching for next.
I’ve also had some people ask about more specific expenses they could help cover.

For goals, I’ve taken a Two Phase perspective.

Phase One was to replicate my previous casual, part-time labour coffee shop job and not be dependent on this income and allow me to confidently step fully into the vision I have for this job. I’m excited to report that as of December 2023 I have hit and now slightly surpassed this goal! WOO!!
Phase Two. I see this role as a viable long-term ministry with the hopes of baring much Kingdom fruit. As such, I desire to set my financial goals in such a way so as to honour my experience and tenure and the type of impact I am pursuing. As well, I believe there is the opportunity for this to be a sustainable career option and allow me to contribute to the financial needs of my family ways.

If you’d like to hear more about this or even get into some specifics, please let me know!

Ways to Give

Pre-Authorized Payments
Fill out the Pre-Authorized Payment Agreement form and send a copy to

Interac e-Transfer
Using your online baking, send an e-transfer to
Complete this form in order to ensure correct contact information is available for sending out tax receipts. Please be sure to include my four digit donation code “SJ57.”

Note: Unless your banking system allows for recurring scheduled e-transfers, this method of giving is not ideal for monthly giving.

Credit Card Giving via Charitable Impact
I have an account set up with Charitable Impact which allows for simple credit card donations.

Note: Charitable Impact offers processing for a fee of 2.8%, in addition to the Project Funding fee of 5%. If you would like to give a desired amount “after fees”, please be sure to multiply your amount by 1.0717 to cover the “fees amount”. (For example - $100.00 x 1.0828 = $108.28, 2.8% off = $105.25, 5% off = ~$100.00) This will ensure that the person you are giving to will receive the actual desired amount.

Mail in a cheque, money order or credit card giving.
If Pre-Authorized Payments or Interac e-Transfers aren’t best for you, there are still some other options. In the interest in keeping this page from being even more convoluted, please visit this YWAM Canada Donation page to find more options for giving. My donation code is always “SJ57.” Should you need help with anything, please let me know.

US Donations
If you are an American citizen and would like to receive a US tax reciept, you can give via credit card here. You will need to follow the instructions below.

  1. In the 1st box titled "Amount", Please enter the amount you wish to donate.

  2. In the 3rd box titled "Designation Code", please enter the code "YBC500", and press ENTER

  3. The page will then update so the box "Designated For" on top will now contain the code YBC500. In the new box titled "List recipient code or name", please enter my four digit donation code “SJ57”

  4. Select one of the three options to make your donation either one-time, monthly, or weekly.

  5. Enter your contact information and payment details. Click the “DONATE” button to complete the transaction.

Operating Expenses

All giving goes through YWAM Canada Project funding and ends up in the same account. Internally, I’m trying to allocate some funds towards overhead operating expenses. If you’d like to contribute towards some of these things, give by the same means listed above, just let me know your giving to “sponsor” some of these financial realities.

Travel Costs

When I travel for YWAM to speak in schools or other ministries, there is a budget to cover my flights. But it’s not always enough to cover much more than airfare. Additional travel costs can include transportation to/from airport or car parking fee, baggage, meal, etc.

Estimated Expenses: Up to $400/trip.

Next trip: TBD.


I currently don’t actually own a laptop and have been using an iPad with a keyboard for over three years. It does the job, but is certainly being pushed to the limit at times. I’m saving up some of my Operating Budget for some of the bigger startup costs, like purchasing a laptop.

Estimated Expenses: Up to $2500 one-time amount


The nature of my job will hopefully have me sharing a lot of meals or coffees with youth pastors and other ministry leads. As a way of serving those I’m meeting with, I would like to be able to cover those expenses with my Operating Budget.

Estimated Expenses: Up to $150/month

Admin and Technology

There are various administrative costs for me. Cell phone plan while traveling, website domain, anticipated technology (phone/computer upgrades), etc.

Estimated Expenses: Up to $45/month